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Eligibility Criteria

The health and dental plans were approved by student referendum and as a result are now a requirement of your enrolment at Red River College through your membership in the Students' Association. The plans provide protection and security for eligible students minimizing the effects of injury or ailments. The cost of the plans is included in your institutional fees provided you meet the eligibility enrolment criteria:

1) are a member of the Red River College Students' Association*,
2) are in an applicable program,
3) meet the full-time criteria*,
4) are residing in Canada, and
5) are under the age of 70.

*Exceptions for International Students attending the RRC Language Training Center. Please contact the Benefits Plan Office to confirm eligibility.

Disability Students
Students who are taking part-time course load but are considered full-time by the institution may be eligible to opt in to the Student Health and Dental Plan. Please contact the Benefits Plan Office for further details, prior to the applicable deadline for your semester period of enrolment.

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